Thursday, July 02, 2009

Top 10 Shakespeare Quotes for the 4th of July!

Shakespeare loves the Fourth of July! If you want to sound smart at your Fourth of July party and impress your friends, commit a couple of these quotes to memory and break them out at propitious moments...

1. I am a foe to tyrants, and my country's friend.
Julius Caesar: V.iv.

2. I do love my country's good with a respect more tender, more holy and profound, than mine own life.
Coriolanus: III.iii

3. In right and service to their noble country.
Titus Andronicus: I,i

4. Who is here so vile not to love his country?
Julius Caesar: III, iii

5. I thank you all and here dismiss you all, and to the love and favor of my country commit myself, my person, and the cause.
Titus Andronicus: I, i

6. Having my freedom, boast of nothing else.
Richard II: I, ii

7. Gnawing with my teeth my bonds in sunder, I gain'd my freedom.
The Comedy of Errors: V, i

8. Let's all cry peace, freedom, and liberty!
Julius Caesar III, i

9. This liberty is all that I request.
The Taming of the Shrew: II, i

10. Leave us to our free election.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre: II, iv

**Text and graphic courtesy of
The American Shakespeare Center.

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